Show Sanctioning Information

The MSFGA encourages the promotion of Mini Silkies through MSFGA sanctioned Mini Silky Shows. This page will provide information, forms and requirements for putting on an MSFGA sanctioned show in your area.

To put on a show in your area, you will need to find a facility that will allow goats to be exhibited. The size of the facility that you need will depend on how many Mini Silkies are in your area and what you expect the turn out to be. Some shows are offered as a one day only show and exhibitors show out of their trailers thus eliminating the need for pens and stalls. Other shows are quite large and may decide to seek out a facility that can provide pens or stalls for exhibitors to hold their animals in. Shows that are put on in larger facilities that offer pens or stalls may consider doing a two day show offering multiple shows in a weekend with multiple judges and sets of Champions. This may be attractive to folks living outside of the area and may encourage participation from exhibitors from several surrounding states.

Once you have secured a location for your show, you will need to choose a date, find a judge and apply for MSFGA sanctioning for your show. Show management must submit an Application for MSFGA Show Sanctioning to the MSFGA office at least 60 days prior to the proposed show date. MSFGA will approve the application, taking into account any conflict of dates or proximity with other sanctioning applications or approved shows.

Eventually, we will have a pool of certified MSFGA judges. However, at present, we don’t have certified judges, so you will need to seek out someone who is interested in judging your show. Once you have found someone to judge, please have them sign and date a Judge’s Agreement contract and send it along with your application for show sanctioning. When the application and Judge’s Agreement contract arrives at the MSFGA office, the judge will supplied with the MSFGA Standard, the visual Standard, the rules and regulations, score sheet and notes to the judges from MSFGA within 15 days. If the sanctioning application and your judge are approved, then you are all set to hold your show.

After your show is over, keep in mind that your show isn’t really over until you have filled out the Show Report, signed and dated it and mailed it back to the MSFGA office along with the other show documentation required. The show Report must be filled out, signed by Show Management and sent to MSFGA, along with the other show documentation within 14 days after the sanctioned show has occurred. Failure to send in the required documentation and records within 14 days of the show may result in loosing the sanctioned status of the show.

If your show gets sanctioning from MSFGA, it will then be listed on the Upcoming Shows page with location, date and contact information. Below are Rules and forms for sanctioning applications.

Show Rules and Regulations Ver1.8

MSFGA Stardards [pdf]

MSFGA Score Sheet [pdf]

Show Sanction Application and Judges Contract [pdf]

Show Sanction Application and Judges Contract[MS Word]

Judge’s contract only [pdf]

MSFGA Sanctioned Show Report [pdf]

MSFGA Sanctioned Show Report [MS Word]

Best in Show Class Transfer Form [pdf]

Measuring Committee Form [pdf]

Officially Measuring The Mini Slky For Show [pdf]

Official Measuring Diagram [pdf]

Judges’ List 8-1-2024